Monday, September 13, 2010

Questions for Parent-Teacher Conferences

Here are three questions to ask teachers during parent teacher conferences:

  • Ask the teachers to describe your child's strengths and weaknesses.
  • Ask to see examples of your child's work.
  • Ask the teacher for his or her plan to improve your child's academic achievement.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

District Moves Toward Equity

Cheltenham High School (CHS) moved toward equity and gained recognition as one of the best high schools in American by Newsweek magazine based on the increased number of students that are taking and passing advanced placement tests. CAAA has advocated for open access to advanced placement and honors based on student selection and fulfilling prerequisite classes. Opening access based on student motivation offers excellence for all.

CAAA Goals foor 2010-2011

CAAA established the following goals for the current year:
  • partnering with the UPG to discuss race relations;
  • increasing the involvement of parents in parent organizations such as PTO, UPG and CAAA;
  • obtaining the full Achievement Gap Report from the School District; and
  • assessing the over identification of African American students in special education.

Please contact us at for further information.